Things are starting to feel real! I am officially in the 3rd Trimester!!

28 Weeks
Today was an exciting day! I am 28 weeks pregnant, making me 2/3 the way done with this pregnancy. These last two months are already proving to be a doozy! Back pain is settling in and out of past experience, I know this is only the beginning as it will surely get worse. Sometimes when I walk pass a mirror I catch myself off guard… my belly is getting HUGE!! It seems just like yesterday that we knew I was pregnant, but my body was showing little to no indications that human life was taking form. Now I am pretty hard to miss! Roselyn has even mentioned more than a couple of times “How BIG mommy’s tummy is getting!” It is so fun watching myself grow and wondering how I can possible get any bigger!
Today’s joys come from being able to feel Baby Boy move! Nothing reassures me more than feeling his kicks and knowing he is okay. On the flip side, I tend to obsess over his fetal movements. My mind gets ahead of myself and I start to really worry when an hour or so goes by and I haven’t felt him. I’ve noticed that the anxiety kicks in sometimes even when I DO feel him move. I get so use to the large movements, that when I do my kick counts and I feel only subtle movements, I doubt myself. “Was that him or am I wanting to feel him so badly that I make myself think that was him?” Or just plainly, “Why aren’t his movements as big?” “Is he in distress?” I am trying to let go and to not get too worked up over kick counts. But I’m also trying to balance the realization that kick counts are incredibly important and that I need to do them for his wellbeing. I can’t shrug this to the side, just because it is emotionally draining for me.
On a happier and much brighter note, I had my first 3rd Trimester OB appointment this morning. This appointment was jam-packed with lots of excitement! I had to complete my Glucose Test. This is the test where you chug the overly sweet orange drink and wait 1hr before having your blood drawn. The purpose of this test is to identify whether you have Gestational Diabetes or not. I tested negative for Gestational Diabetes and I am incredibly grateful that there is one less thing for me to fret over regarding this pregnancy. I also received my Tdap Vaccine. One more shot to protect this baby, making sure he is as safe as possible come post delivery. The most exciting news is that I was able to schedule Baby Boy’s csection!! It feels so surreal knowing the exact date we will meet our son and also being able to pick out his Birthday. I have had a very loooong and intense conversation with him that he is not to come any earlier than his scheduled csection. 😉
Baby Boy’s csection is scheduled for 37.1 weeks, putting his arrival at 9 weeks and 1 day from today! I meet my son in 9 weeks and I cannot wait! As always, we welcome and appreciate all prayers. There is a risk that my uterus will be extremely thin leading up to my scheduled csection. It is for this reason, my csection is scheduled 3 weeks early. Please pray that the next 9 weeks are uneventful and that both Baby Boy and I make it to 37 weeks safe and sound.
A very Merry Christmas to all who will be celebrating the Holiday this coming weekend! May this season be a joyful time for each of you and may it also be gentle on the hearts of those who are grieving and missing dear loved ones!