“Sometimes in life there are losses. Losses that can never really be replaced. Losing you has been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to live with. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. I wasn’t ready to let you leave. I would give anything for just one more day, just one more second. But I’ve learned to trust in unconditional love. Because the one profound thing about death is that love never dies. Some bonds cannot be broken. Because even though you’re not physically here, your heart is — it lives on within me. I carry your heart inside mine. I carry it on days when I discover something new. I carry it on days when beauty unfolds in the most unexpected places. I carry it on days when I find courage to heal and to grow. I carry it with me — always. Someday we will meet again — and we will no longer be separated by time or space. But until that day, I’ll find comfort in knowing that you are still with me. Your heart safely tucked inside mine. Some hearts just belong together and nothing will ever change that. I loved you then. I love you now. Always did. Always will. Forever in my mind. Forever in my heart. I will carry you.”
-Bryan Anthonys
The following names are loved ones who have had an Emilia’s Wings care package donated in their memory.
Names written in bold indicate that multiple boxes were donated in their name.
Elijah James Mueller | Hudson Mueller | Baby Heesch |
Jordin Reide Jennings | McBee Babies | Bexley Joy Comstock |
Jeanette Ione [Green] Cline | Emilia Madeleine Rose Clough | Our Niece with Wings |
Baby Barnes | Erica Alexis Lamphear | Larry Eugene Brown |
Oliver M. Rorke | Alexis Marie Lee | Baby Boy Clough |
Maddox John White | Preston Riley Carey | [In honor of] Winston Rowan Parks |
Baby Colbath #1 | Baby Colbath #2 | Mila Kathryn Gore |
Nicholas Daniel Burford | Dominic Alexander Rivera | Adriel Michele Berg |
Emma Marie Berg | Gabriel Joseph Berg | Lola Alley |
Levi Michael Alley | Darcy Guntert | Lantham Baby #1 |
Lantham Baby #2 | Lantham Baby #3 | Lantham Baby #4 |
Ella Grace Rucereto | Victoria Sage Lambert | Lambert Twins |
Josie Victoria Cone | Duncan Phillip McNaughton | Harlow Carson Wren |
Baby Clough |